I am Matthew Guinn, a student photographer at Northern Arizona University with an interest in the natural and beautiful plants, animals, and landscapes that make up our planet. Growing up in Gilbert, I was often surrounded by stretching horizons and housing, and as I got older, I grew tired of the constant cityscape that encased me. During my summers, I would often go on trips with my father, and during those trips, I was given the opportunity to see landscapes and animals that I couldn’t see from home. I also got to experience shows that were hosted by National Geographic photographers, who talked about their photography and their adventures, and they inspired me to pursue a photography career of my own. Now, with a better understanding of photography and a town that sits next door to some of the greatest wonders that my state has to offer, I’m ready to practice my own art and explore my own photography, while creating more memories through the adventures that I create for myself.
Photo Taken By: Beth Staub, Adventure Photo Studios Photography